3d pixel puzzle cupcake instructions
3d pixel puzzle cupcake instructions

What building in a town has the most stories? Answer: The library.Ĥ7. Why did the boy bury is flashlight? Answer: Because the batteries died.Ĥ6. What is the best place to grow a garden in school? Answer: In kindergarten.Ĥ5. What has a lot of teeth but can’t chew a thing? Answer: A comb.Ĥ4. What type of house weighs the least? Answer: A lighthouse.Ĥ3. What goes through towns and over hills but never moves? Answer: A road.Ĥ2. What kind of cup can’t hold anything to drink? Answer: A cupcake.Ĥ1. Why isn’t your nose 12 inches long? Answer: Because then it would be a foot.Ĥ0.

3d pixel puzzle cupcake instructions

What bank never has any money? Answer: A riverbank.ģ9. Why is the Mississippi such an unusual river? Answer: Because it has four “i’s” and can’t even see.ģ8. Why are teddy bears never hungry? Answer: Because they are already stuffed.ģ7.

3d pixel puzzle cupcake instructions

How can a pants pocket be empty but still have something in it? Answer: If it has a hole in it.ģ6.


Why do lions eat raw meat? Answer: Because they don’t know how to cook.ģ5. If an electric train is going south, what direction is the smoke going? Answer: There is no smoke – it’s an electric train.ģ4. When does Friday come before Thursday? Answer: In the dictionary.ģ3. What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing? Answer: An elephant’s shadow.ģ2. I have no eyes, ears, or legs, but I can help you move earth.

3d pixel puzzle cupcake instructions

What goes up and down but never moves? Answer: A flight of stairs.ģ0. What follows you everywhere but can’t be caught? Answer: Your shadow.Ģ9. The more you take away, the bigger it gets. What kind of coat can only be put on wet? Answer: A coat of paint.Ģ7. I am full of keys but I can’t open any doors. What must be broken before you can use it? Answer: An egg.Ģ5.

3d pixel puzzle cupcake instructions