- Understanding pingplotter data .exe#
- Understanding pingplotter data registration#
- Understanding pingplotter data code#
In most cases though, the network problem will need to be fixed by someone else. In some cases you might be able to solve this network problem yourself - possibly by upgrading the BIOS on a hardware device, replacing a network cable or changing network service providers.

EnumWindows).If you find a network problem, you'll most likely want to try and solve that problem.
Understanding pingplotter data registration#
using CreateThread) or a callback registration (e.g. Thread / callback creationĮdges denoting either a thread creation (e.g. Thread / callback entryĬode corresponding to a thread or callback entry point. Path through the execution graph which shows a lot of behavior (e.g. Signature MatchedĬode which matches a behavioral signature. UnknownĬode for which it is unknown if it has been executed or not at runtime. Not ExecutedĬode which has not been executed at runtime. ExecutedĬode which has been executed at runtime. Unpacker / DecrypterĬode section which is responsible for unpacking or decrypting a portion of dynamic code.

Dynamic / DecryptedĬode which has been generated at runtime, often referred to as unpacked or self-modifying code.
Understanding pingplotter data code#
Key DecisionĪ code location where a decision has been made to avoid execution of potentially malicious behavior. Program entry point, most likely the entry point of the PE file. They include additional runtime information such as the execution status which is highlighted with different colors and shapes. ProfeĮxecution Graphs are highly condensed control flow graphs which give the user a synthetic view of the code detected during Hybrid Code Analysis. 03/08 /2021 12:1 5 PM: Rece ived from standard o ut: Extrac ting archi ve: C:\Use rs\user\De sktop\Ping Plotter.Pr ofessional. 03/08/20 21 12:15 P M: Receive d from sta ndard erro r: ERROR: Wrong pass word : pin gplotter_i nstall.exe. 03/08/202 1 12:15 PM : Received from stan dard error : ERROR: W rong passw ord : KEYG EN-FFF.rar. 12:15 PM: Unpack: C :\Users\us er\Desktop \PingPlott er.Profess ional.5.18. Remotely Track Device Without Authorization Process information set: NOOPENFILE ERRORBOXĮavesdrop on Insecure Network Communication 0.50727.94 45_none_d0 8c58b4442b a54f\MSVCR 80.dllĭisables application error messsages (SetErrorMode) Submission file is bigger than most known malware samples Process created: C:\Windows \System32\ conhost.ex e C:\Windo ws\system3 2\conhost. Process created: C:\Windows \SysWOW64\ 7za.exe 'C :\Windows\ System32\7 za.exe' x -pinfected -y -o'C:\ Users\user \AppData\L ocal\Temp\ p0alqrgm.g ef' 'C:\Us ers\user\D esktop\Pin gPlotter.P rofessiona l. 189.zip'
Understanding pingplotter data .exe#
exe 'C:\W indows\Sys WOW64\unar chiver.exe ' 'C:\User s\user\Des ktop\PingP lotter.Pro fessional. Process created: C:\Windows \SysWOW64\ unarchiver. Key opened: HKEY_CURRE NT_USER\So ftware\Pol icies\Micr osoft\Wind ows\Safer\ CodeIdenti fiers Section loaded: C:\Windows \assembly\ GAC_32\msc orlib\2.0. Parts of this applications are using the.

Mutant created: \Sessions\ 1\BaseName dObjects\L ocal\SM0:1 052:120:Wi lError_01įile created: C:\Users\u ser\AppDat a\Local\Te mp\f0vzbh2 2.pef Source: C:\Windows \System32\ conhost.ex e exeĬlassification label: sus23.evad mutexes Source: C:\Windows \SysWOW64\ unarchiver.

Crack.exe)įile created: C:\Users\u ser\AppDat a\Local\Te mp\p0alqrg m.gef\KEYG EN-FFF.rarįile created: C:\Users\u ser\AppDat a\Local\Te mp\p0alqrg m.gef\Star.